
Self, World, and Time: Ethics as Theology, vol. 1 is unavailable, but you can change that!

Self, World, and Time takes up the question of the form and matter of Christian ethics as an intellectual discipline. What is it about? How does Christian ethics relate to the humanities, especially philosophy, theology, and behavioral studies? How does its shape correspond to the shape of practical reason? In what way does it participate in the proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ? Oliver...

understood rightly. That we should be more than creatures of our past, more than mere continuers of it, that is the gift presupposed in our creation; it is the power which nature’s creator bestowed on creation’s lord. And when we are effective lords of creation no longer? When our self-determination has been used to destroy our freedom, and what should be intelligible has become unintelligible, what should be new is old, even before it is brought to pass? Then we can only ask God for the greater
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